We primarily focus on hosting events in Copenhagen, but have hosted events outside in London or online as well - learn more about hosting events with CURSOR here. If you would like to host a CURSOR event in Copenhagen or elsewhere, get in touch with mia@cursormag.net

We always strive to create interesting, inclusive, communal experiences that are open and free. 

We archive resource sites on notion so you can always (re)visit and learn. We hope to meet you soon <3

General Assembly


Ungdommens Demkratihus

First CURSOR General Assembly. This event is open to everyone, but only members are allowed to vote and will receive the minutes after. Sign up by 28 January to receive the invitation by email.

Sign up and read more on the page for the association CURSOR.

  iCal invite   Facebook

Dates & time: Tuesday 11 February 2025, 16:30-18:00
Address:  Ungdommens Demokratihus, Kødbyen, Copenhagen
RSVP: No RSVP needed - come as you are




Ungdommens Demokratihus

A CURSOR spin on a hackathon -- coders, designers, and game-curious people welcome <3

Our play jam is an invitation to dive into play in all its forms—digital and analog, experimental, and interactive. Beyond just making games, this is a space to explore and create playful experiences, from toys and media to inventive programming and hands-on playthings. The guidance of mentors will be on hand to spark ideas and offer support as you experiment and create.

This event is part of CURSOR06: PLAY, inviting everyone to rethink what play can mean. Join us and discover new ways to play! You don’t have to be there at 9am sharp, and you’re equally welcome to come to the later part of the event to see other people showcase their work! Showcase starts at 19.30

The Basics:
- This is an open space to experiment with any technology or media of your choice
- Make WHATEVER you want: an interactive story about the 1000th time you said “Nej
Tak!” to the cashier? A board game about the future of air-fryers? A toy made out of
scraps from your latest passion project. You tell us.
- No idea what to make? We’ll have a brainstorming and matchmaking session you
can join, so you can definitely come without knowing what to do.
- Get inspired by the newest issue of CURSOR on play and incorporate it into your
project if you want
- Make something you can finish in a day or just start a new project you’ll come back to
- Work alone or meet new playmates to share your niche with or to travel into their
- Discover new tools to make games and get mentoring if you wish

  Google cal invite   Facebook

Dates & time: Sunday 24 november, 9-22 (full day/late start welcome)
Address:  Ungdommens Demokratihus, Kødbyen, Copenhagen
RSVP: More info and sign-up here

CURSOR06 Launch


Villa Kultur

Come celebrate the launch of CURSOR 06: Play 🎪 at Villa Kultur on Thursday 7 November. Join us for a drink, a tarot reading, or just a flick through the newest issue.

Facebook   Villa Kultur

Dates & time
: Thursday 07 November, (doors: 17:30) 18:00-21:00
Address:  Villa Kultur, Krausesvej 3, 2100 København
RSVP: No RSVP needed - come as you are

Collective Machine Embroidery Workshop


Ethos Lab

Embroider AI with us!

CURSOR, ETHOS Lab, and DAK have joined forces for an electric workshop exploring representations of AI through machine embroidery. Here, we will work with TurtleStitch and create a collective embroidery piece!

The workshop will take place on October 2nd, 16:00-18:00 at the IT University of Copenhagen in room 3A30 (ETHOS Lab).Let's stitch something extraordinary together!

Free and open to everyone, regardless of prior experience and skill level.

Dates & time: 2 October 2024
Address:  Ethos Lab, IT-Universitet
RSVP: Sign up via link

CURSOR05 Launch Party



Come celebrate the launch of CURSOR 05: Attention at Råhuset on Thursday 11 April. 

Join us for a drink, a dance, or just a flick through the newest issue - we’ve got a magazine full of submissions that are just waiting for your attention CURSOR is a collective of people interested in new ways to think of the future and technology, inviting critical perspectives and utopic visions. We are excited to celebrate our newest issue, CURSOR05: Attention! with you - the theme of this issue is all about attention. Where does it go? Who is competing for it? And what do we actually want to pay attention to?

We promise a night of good vibes, DJs, magazines, and art. Put on your most attention-seeking behaviour and come down to Råhuset in Kødbyen for a CURSOR-style release party

  iCal invite   Facebook

Dates & time: Thursday 11 april, 19-23
Address:  Råhuset, Kødbyen, Copenhagen
RSVP: No RSVP needed - come as you are

Lab: Augmenting Reality & Attention


Ungdommens Demokratihus

For our current theme "Attention!" we are turning a look towards attention-grabbing technologies: From filters that subtly change your appearance on social media to billboards that utilise your phone to showcase a product - chances are that your attention has already been redirected by Augmented Reality (AR).

Join us at Ungdommens Demokratihus for a cozy Sunday half-day where we will present augmented reality together with Kate Zaprazna as a technology and give you some specific tools to get started creating your own AR filters - where do you want to direct attention? You do not need any prior knowlede of AR or any computer-skills to attend this workshop.

Dates & time: Sunday 25 February, 11:30-14
Address:  Ungdommens Demokratihus, Slagtehusgade 10a, Copenhagen
RSVP: Registration required

This workshop was sponsored by Vesterbros Lokaludvalg.

Creative Coding Camp: Off the Grid


Blackland Farm

On Friday 26 May 2023 we made our way to the Blackland Girlguiding Farm in West Sussex, UK to go Off the Grid for our first CURSOR camp. Over the next 48 hours, the lodge in south England was filled by a group of people brought together by an interest in working creatively with digital questions. Participants joined one of three strands within our overarching theme of Off the Grid: Digital privacy, Technology and nature, and Digital minimalism.

Read the full logbook here.

Dates & time: Friday 26 - Sunday 28 May 2023
Address:  Girlguiding Blackland Farm, West Sussex, UK
RSVP: Registration closed

This event was funded by National Lottery UK. 

Book Club: Thread Ripper


Møllegades Boghandel

Join us for our first book club evening.For our first book club, we are reading Thread Ripper by Danish author and artist Amalie Smith. A beautiful book weaving connections across time between looms, Ada, computers, DNA, plant tissue, algorithms, text, and textile.

In theme with the book, this book club featured a demonstration of a knitting machine by Margo Hansen.

Dates & time: Thursday 23 March, 18-20
Address:  Møllegades Boghandel
RSVP: Registration required.