Palestine Solidarity Resource List

Community-sourced resources for knowledge exchange and direct aid in solidarity with Palestine.
Print-Your-Own Palestine Zines from ZINE COOP 小集誌A collection of free, print-and-distribute zines about Palestine and the ongoing siege of Gaza

eSIMS for GazaeSims allow people within Gaza to connect to the outside to communicate with their families and also to show what’s happening within Gaza. Effort ran by Egyptian writer Mirna El Helbawi
From the River to the Sea: Essays for a Free PalestineEdited by Sai Englert, Michal Schatz and Rosie Warren (free ebook from Verso)
Radio alHara راديو الحارةPalestine-based online radio station
Visualizing PalestineResources to Contextualize Current Events
Palestine News Updates on Telegram
When Settler Becomes Native by JB BragerA comic strip from Jewish Currents that examines the claim of Jewish Indigeneity in the Land of Israel
Gaza Mutual Aid CollectiveA grassroots collective committed to monetarily helping the people of Gaza
+972 MagazineAn independent, online, nonprofit magazine run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists spotlighting the people and communities working to oppose occupation and apartheid, and that showcases perspectives often overlooked or marginalized in mainstream narratives